boston college supplemental essay

Master the Boston College Supplemental Essay: A Comprehensive Guide for College Applicants

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boston college supplemental essay

Master the Boston College Supplemental Essay: A Comprehensive Guide for College Applicants

A supplemental essay is an additional writing requirement that accompanies the main application essay for college admissions. Boston College, a prestigious Jesuit research university in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, requires applicants to submit a supplemental essay as part of their application process.

Supplemental essays allow prospective students to showcase their unique qualities, experiences, and perspectives beyond what can be conveyed in the main application essay. They provide an opportunity to highlight specific interests, accomplishments, or challenges that may not be fully captured in other application materials.

The supplemental essay requirement at Boston College has a long history. Since the 1980s, the university has used supplemental essays to assess applicants’ writing abilities, critical thinking skills, and overall fit with the institution’s mission and values.

Boston College Supplemental Essay

The supplemental essay is a valuable component of the Boston College application. It allows applicants to showcase their unique qualities and experiences, and to highlight their fit with the university’s mission and values. The following are eight key aspects of the Boston College supplemental essay:

  • Topic: The essay should be focused on a specific topic that is meaningful to the applicant.
  • Structure: The essay should have a clear and logical structure, with an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
  • Content: The essay should be well-written and engaging, and it should demonstrate the applicant’s writing skills and critical thinking abilities.
  • Originality: The essay should be original and unique, and it should not simply rehash information that is already included in the applicant’s other application materials.
  • Voice: The essay should be written in the applicant’s own voice, and it should reflect their personality and values.
  • Fit: The essay should demonstrate how the applicant is a good fit for Boston College, and it should highlight their interest in the university’s academic programs and extracurricular activities.
  • Length: The essay should be between 250 and 500 words in length.
  • Deadline: The essay should be submitted by the application deadline.

These eight aspects are essential to a successful Boston College supplemental essay. By carefully considering each of these aspects, applicants can increase their chances of admission to this prestigious university.


At the heart of a successful Boston College supplemental essay lies the choice of a specific and meaningful topic. This topic serves as the foundation upon which the applicant can showcase their unique qualities, experiences, and aspirations, while demonstrating their alignment with the university’s mission and values.

  • Personal experiences: Drawing upon personal anecdotes and experiences allows applicants to share their growth, resilience, and the lessons they have learned along the way. These experiences can range from overcoming challenges to pursuing passions, and they provide a glimpse into the applicant’s character and values.
  • Academic interests: For applicants with a strong academic focus, the supplemental essay offers an opportunity to delve into a particular subject area or research interest. They can discuss their intellectual curiosity, their pursuit of knowledge, and how their academic passions align with Boston College’s rigorous academic programs.
  • Extracurricular activities: Participation in extracurricular activities reveals an applicant’s interests and passions outside of the classroom. Whether it’s involvement in sports, music, community service, or leadership roles, these activities showcase the applicant’s commitment, teamwork, and dedication.
  • Goals and aspirations: The supplemental essay also allows applicants to share their future goals and aspirations. They can discuss their career aspirations, their plans for graduate school, or their hopes for making a difference in the world. These aspirations provide insight into the applicant’s motivation, ambition, and potential.

By carefully selecting a topic that is both specific and meaningful, applicants can craft a supplemental essay that not only meets the requirements of the Boston College application but also presents a compelling and authentic portrait of themselves as individuals and as potential members of the Boston College community.


In the context of the Boston College supplemental essay, structure plays a crucial role in guiding the reader through the applicant’s narrative and showcasing their writing abilities. A well-structured essay ensures that the applicant’s ideas are presented in a coherent and engaging manner, enhancing the overall impact of their application.

  • Introduction:

    The introduction serves as the gateway to the essay, capturing the reader’s attention and setting the stage for the discussion. It typically includes a hook that grabs the reader’s interest, a brief background on the topic, and a clear thesis statement that outlines the main argument or purpose of the essay.

  • Body Paragraphs:

    The body paragraphs are the heart of the essay, where the applicant develops and supports their thesis statement. Each body paragraph should focus on a specific aspect or point related to the thesis, providing evidence, examples, and analysis to convince the reader of the applicant’s perspective. Transitions between body paragraphs ensure a smooth flow of ideas and help maintain the reader’s engagement.

  • Conclusion:

    The conclusion serves as the closing statement of the essay, reinforcing the main argument and leaving a lasting impression on the reader. It typically summarizes the key points discussed in the body paragraphs, restates the thesis statement in a fresh way, and offers a final thought or call to action that invites the reader to reflect on the essay’s message.

By adhering to the principles of clear and logical structure, applicants can craft a Boston College supplemental essay that effectively communicates their ideas, showcases their writing skills, and makes a strong case for their admission to the university.


Within the context of the Boston College supplemental essay, content plays a pivotal role in showcasing the applicant’s writing abilities, critical thinking skills, and overall potential as a student. To craft a compelling and effective supplemental essay, applicants should focus on delivering well-written, engaging, and thought-provoking content that demonstrates their strengths as writers and thinkers.

  • Clarity and Organization: The essay should be well-organized and easy to follow, with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Each paragraph should have a specific focus and support the overall thesis of the essay.
  • Strong Writing Mechanics: Applicants should demonstrate proficiency in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. The essay should be free of errors that could distract the reader or undermine the applicant’s credibility.
  • Thoughtful Analysis: The essay should not simply rehash information from other parts of the application. Instead, applicants should provide thoughtful analysis and insights that demonstrate their ability to think critically and form their own opinions.
  • Unique Perspective: The supplemental essay is an opportunity for applicants to share their unique perspectives and experiences. They should avoid generic or clichd topics and instead focus on writing about something that is personally meaningful or that showcases their individuality.

By paying careful attention to the content of their supplemental essay, applicants can create a compelling and memorable application that highlights their strengths and makes them stand out from the crowd. A well-written and engaging essay can significantly increase an applicant’s chances of admission to Boston College and other top universities.


Originality is a critical component of the Boston College supplemental essay. The essay is an opportunity for applicants to showcase their unique qualities and experiences, and to highlight their fit with the university’s mission and values. A rehashed or generic essay will not help an applicant stand out from the crowd, and it may even hurt their chances of admission.

There are many ways to approach the supplemental essay in an original way. Applicants can write about a personal experience that has shaped their values or goals. They can share their thoughts on a current event or social issue. They can even write a creative piece of fiction or poetry. The key is to choose a topic that is meaningful to the applicant and that will allow them to share their unique perspective.

Here are a few examples of original and unique Boston College supplemental essays:

  • An applicant wrote about their experience growing up in a low-income family and how it has shaped their determination to succeed.
  • An applicant wrote about their passion for social justice and their plans to work towards a more just and equitable world.
  • An applicant wrote a short story about a time when they faced a difficult challenge and how they overcame it.

These essays are all original and unique, and they all give the reader a glimpse into the applicant’s character, values, and goals. By taking the time to craft an original and unique essay, applicants can increase their chances of admission to Boston College and other top universities.

In conclusion, originality is a key component of a successful Boston College supplemental essay. By choosing a meaningful topic and sharing their unique perspective, applicants can create an essay that will stand out from the crowd and help them make a strong impression on the admissions committee.


In the context of the Boston College supplemental essay, voice plays a crucial role in shaping the applicant’s narrative and conveying their unique qualities to the admissions committee. A distinctive voice allows applicants to transcend the confines of standardized application materials and present themselves authentically as individuals with compelling stories, perspectives, and aspirations.

A compelling voice in the supplemental essay stems from a deep understanding of one’s own personality, values, and experiences. It is not about imitating a perceived ideal or conforming to expectations, but rather about embracing individuality and showcasing what truly sets the applicant apart. Authenticity shines through when applicants write in a manner that is natural and reflective of their own unique style, tone, and way of thinking.

Real-life examples of effective voice in Boston College supplemental essays abound. One applicant captivated the reader with a humorous and self-deprecating account of their misadventures as a clumsy child, showcasing their ability to turn perceived weaknesses into charming strengths. Another applicant’s essay stood out for its vulnerability and honesty, as they shared their personal journey of overcoming adversity and finding resilience within themselves.

Understanding the importance of voice in the Boston College supplemental essay has practical applications beyond the admissions process. Developing a strong and authentic voice not only enhances the applicant’s chances of admission but also fosters self-awareness, confidence, and the ability to communicate effectively in various settings. It empowers applicants to articulate their thoughts, feelings, and aspirations with clarity and conviction, a skill that will serve them well throughout their academic and professional lives.

In summary, voice is a pivotal element of the Boston College supplemental essay, allowing applicants to showcase their unique qualities, experiences, and perspectives. By embracing their own authentic voices, applicants can create compelling narratives that resonate with the admissions committee and leave a lasting impression.


In the context of college admissions, “fit” refers to the compatibility between an applicant and a particular institution. For the Boston College supplemental essay, demonstrating fit is crucial as it allows applicants to showcase their alignment with the university’s mission, values, and offerings.

By highlighting their interest in Boston College’s academic programs and extracurricular activities, applicants can effectively communicate their understanding of the university’s unique strengths and how they can contribute to the campus community. Real-life examples abound, such as an applicant who enthusiastically described their passion for research and how it aligns with Boston College’s commitment to undergraduate research opportunities.

Understanding the importance of fit for the Boston College supplemental essay has significant practical applications. When applicants tailor their essays to demonstrate their fit, they increase their chances of admission. Furthermore, it fosters self-reflection and helps applicants make informed decisions about their college choices.

In summary, the component of “fit” within the Boston College supplemental essay plays a pivotal role in the admissions process. By effectively demonstrating their alignment with the university, applicants can create compelling narratives that resonate with the admissions committee and showcase their potential as valuable members of the Boston College community.


In the context of the Boston College supplemental essay, length plays a crucial role in crafting a compelling and effective narrative. The prescribed word count of 250-500 words provides a framework for applicants to showcase their writing abilities, critical thinking skills, and fit with the university while adhering to the university’s specific requirements.

Brevity, as dictated by the word count, forces applicants to be concise and selective in their storytelling. It encourages them to carefully consider each word and sentence, ensuring that every element contributes meaningfully to the overall impact of the essay. By adhering to the length requirement, applicants demonstrate their ability to communicate their ideas clearly and effectively, a valuable skill that is highly sought after in academia and beyond.

Real-life examples of successful Boston College supplemental essays within the prescribed word count abound. One applicant penned a powerful and moving essay about their personal journey of overcoming adversity in just under 300 words. Another applicant crafted a compelling argument for their passion for social justice and their plans to make a positive impact on the world in just over 400 words. These examples underscore the effectiveness of brevity in conveying meaningful messages.

Understanding the importance of length in the Boston College supplemental essay has practical applications beyond the admissions process. The ability to write concisely and effectively is a valuable asset in various academic and professional settings. It allows individuals to communicate their ideas clearly, persuade audiences, and make a lasting impact.

In summary, the length requirement of 250-500 words for the Boston College supplemental essay is a critical component that shapes the narrative and showcases the applicant’s writing abilities, critical thinking skills, and fit with the university. By adhering to this requirement, applicants can effectively communicate their unique stories and aspirations while demonstrating their ability to write concisely and persuasively.


Within the context of the Boston College supplemental essay, the deadline plays a pivotal role in ensuring that applicants submit their essays on time and in accordance with the university’s admissions requirements. Meeting the deadline demonstrates an applicant’s attention to detail, time management skills, and commitment to the application process.

  • Submission Date:

    The Boston College supplemental essay deadline typically coincides with the university’s regular application deadline. Applicants should carefully note the specific date and time by which their essays must be submitted to avoid missing the deadline.

  • Time Management:

    Adhering to the deadline requires effective time management. Applicants should allocate sufficient time to brainstorm, write, revise, and proofread their essays well before the deadline to ensure a polished and well-crafted submission.

  • Consequences of Missing the Deadline:

    Missing the supplemental essay deadline can have significant consequences. Late submissions may not be considered by the admissions committee, putting the applicant’s chances of admission at risk.

  • Exceptions:

    In exceptional circumstances, such as technical difficulties or unforeseen events, applicants may request an extension of the deadline. However, such requests should be made promptly and with appropriate documentation.

Understanding the importance of meeting the deadline for the Boston College supplemental essay is crucial for a successful application. By submitting their essays on time, applicants demonstrate their commitment to the university and increase their chances of making a strong impression on the admissions committee.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Boston College Supplemental Essay

This section provides answers to commonly asked questions and clarifies important aspects of the Boston College supplemental essay. These FAQs aim to address potential concerns and provide guidance to applicants as they navigate the essay writing process.

Question 1: What is the purpose of the Boston College supplemental essay?

Answer: The supplemental essay is an opportunity for applicants to showcase their unique qualities, experiences, and fit with Boston College beyond what can be conveyed in the main application essay.

Question 2: How long should the supplemental essay be?

Answer: The essay should be between 250 and 500 words in length.

Question 3: What are some good topics for the supplemental essay?

Answer: Applicants can choose topics that highlight their personal experiences, academic interests, extracurricular activities, goals and aspirations, or how they align with Boston College’s mission and values.

Question 4: What are the key aspects of a successful supplemental essay?

Answer: A successful essay should have a clear topic, a logical structure, well-developed content, originality, a distinct voice, and a demonstration of fit with Boston College.

Question 5: What are some common mistakes to avoid in the supplemental essay?

Answer: Common mistakes include rehashing information from other parts of the application, using generic or clichd topics, neglecting to proofread carefully, and missing the submission deadline.

Question 6: How can I improve my chances of writing a strong supplemental essay?

Answer: Thoroughly understand the essay requirements, brainstorm ideas, start writing early, seek feedback from mentors or peers, and carefully revise and edit your essay before submitting it.

In summary, these FAQs provide essential guidance for writing a compelling Boston College supplemental essay. By addressing common questions and concerns, applicants can enhance their essays and increase their chances of admission to this prestigious university.

This concludes our discussion of the Boston College supplemental essay. Next, let’s delve into strategies for developing a strong and unique essay that showcases your individuality and aspirations.

Tips for Writing a Strong Boston College Supplemental Essay

To craft an exceptional Boston College supplemental essay, follow these comprehensive tips:

Tip 1: Choose a Meaningful Topic: Select a topic that resonates with you and allows you to showcase your unique qualities, experiences, and aspirations.

Tip 2: Structure Your Essay Effectively: Organize your essay into a clear and logical structure with an engaging introduction, well-developed body paragraphs, and a thoughtful conclusion.

Tip 3: Demonstrate Writing Proficiency: Showcase your writing skills through clear and concise language, proper grammar, and a rich vocabulary.

Tip 4: Be Original and Authentic: Avoid generic topics and share your unique perspective, experiences, and insights to stand out from other applicants.

Tip 5: Find Your Voice: Write in a style that is authentic and reflective of your personality, values, and goals.

Tip 6: Highlight Your Fit with Boston College: Research the university’s mission, values, and academic programs to demonstrate how your interests and aspirations align with Boston College.

Tip 7: Proofread Carefully: Before submitting your essay, thoroughly proofread it for any errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Tip 8: Submit on Time: Adhere to the university’s deadline to ensure your essay is considered for admission.

By implementing these tips, you can craft a compelling Boston College supplemental essay that showcases your strengths, aligns with the university’s values, and increases your chances of admission.

These tips are essential steps in the process of writing a successful supplemental essay for Boston College. In the next section, we will explore strategies for brainstorming and developing your essay topic.


In exploring the Boston College supplemental essay, we have uncovered key insights into its purpose, structure, and strategies for writing a strong essay. Understanding these elements is crucial for crafting an effective essay that showcases your unique qualities and fit with the university.

The Boston College supplemental essay is not merely an additional requirement but an opportunity to present yourself beyond the confines of standardized application materials. By choosing a meaningful topic, demonstrating writing proficiency, and aligning your essay with the university’s mission and values, you can create a narrative that resonates with the admissions committee and increases your chances of admission.

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